Monday, November 30, 2009

The Final Warning

The Final Warning
By: James Patterson
Published by: Little Brown and Co. 2008
Reading Level: Young Adult
320 Pages

Summary: Max and her flock are not normal children. They are winged children who can fly and have all sorts of other powers, they even have a talking dog. They find themselves in many different predicaments but are always able to get away from the humans that want to kill them. But this time it wasn't humans. When they go down to Antarctica to work with a bunch of scientist to help global warming they soon find that there are a few moles in the scientist group. And before long they are captured by these robots who want to sell them and make millions. These robots are a little harder to get away from then regular humans.

Personal Review: I have to admit i was not very excited for this book. The cover really threw me off. Like they say Don't Judge a book by its cover. I learned that lesson with this book. It was really good and actually had a lot of good information, and a good story that kept me entertained. I found it to be really funny as well. I would highly recommend it.

Warnings: Crude Language

Hush An Irish Princess Tale

Hush An Irish Princess Tale
By: Donna Jo Napoli
Published by: Autheneum 2007
Reading Level: Young Adult
307 Pages
Summary: Melkorka is a princess of a mediavel Ireland Kingdom who lives a easy happy life. That is until her brothers hand gets cut off on by a Viking on a trip to Dublin. His family has to defend his honor so the day of the battle her family send her and her sister Brigid on the road to a different town a days travel away. The trip is going good until her and her sister get kidnapped onto a slave ship. Beat and starved the first few days, Brigid bails off the boat and hopefully swims ashore. But Melkorka is stuck on board. But throughout this whole thing she never mutters a word. This becomes her power. Her masters get stuck under this power and always treat her very well for a slave.

Personal Review: I loved this book. It had such a powerful message of courage and love and compassion. I really think any young teenager would love this book, and could learn a lot from it. I would highly recommend it, although not to everyone. This is because it has some really horrible scenes that i don't think all teenagers and even some adults are ready to read about.

Warnings: Crude Language, Rape scenes, Graphic scenes, Sexual References

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The Cat Ate My Gymsuit

The Cat Ate My Gymsuit
By: Paula Danziger
Published By: Bantum Doubleday Dell Publishing Group 1974
Reading Level: Young Adult
119 Pages

Summary: Marcy Lewis is a blimp. Well atleast she thinks so. She avoids talking, and she especially avoids her gymsuit. She makes up an excuse everyday in Gym class so she does not have to participate. As bad as school is for her home life is even worse. Her mother downs Tranquilizers as her father yells at her, her brother, and her mother. It is not until Ms. Finney becomes her english teacher and begins teaching her to not be so afraid and to come out of her shell and other important life lessons like standing up for what you believe in that Marcy really starts to grow. Then they fire Ms. Finney for not saying the pledge of allegiance. Marcy and her newly acquired friends of Nancy and Joel fight the school board along with their parents and face the consequences all in hope of getting Ms. Finney reinstated.

Personal Review: I admit at times this book was really hard to get through but overall was not as bad as i was expecting for a book from the 70's. The book had a really good moral about standing up for what you believe in despite the consequences. As hard as it was to read at times i would still recommend it to those who are struggling trying to find there place, and learning to stand up for themselves.

The Extraordinary Adventures of Alfred Kropp

The Extraordinary Adventures of Alfred Kropp
By: Rick Yancey
Published by: Bloomsbury Publishing 2005
Reading Level: Young Adult
368 Pages

Summary: His father left before his was born and his mother died when he was young as well. Alfred was a large boy that was tossed around in many foster homes. He was very happy when his Uncle agreed to take him in. It is his Uncle that first gets him into his predicament. Does he steal the sword ... and his uncle want him to from Samsung his uncles boss for a million dollars. When his Uncle threatens to send him back to foster care he agrees to steal the sword, but little did he know that taking that sword put the world in great danger. It was no regular sword, but that of King Author and was the most powerful weapon. After the death of his Uncle Bennacio a knight the only knight left to protect the sword comes and gets him as Samsungs last wish. The question remains why Alfred? He is not your typical hero, or is he? Alfred travels with Bennacio in hopes are getting the sword back. Can he do it? What happens when love comes into the picture?

Personal Review: This was quite a thrilling book. It was very entertaining but at times seemed to drag on. My heart went out to Alfred who didn't fit in, lost all his loved ones, and then had to save the world. What a tough life. All in all i really enjoyed the book and would recommend it.

Warning: Crude Language, Graphic fighting scenes

Wee Free Men

Wee Free Men
By: Terry Pratchett
Published by: Harper Collins 2004
Reading Level: Young Adult
400 pages

Summary: Tiffany Aching is a bright nine year-old, good at making cheese, a young witch, and has an incredibly annoying little brother Wentworth who has a thing for sweets. So when the Queen of faerie kidnaps Wentworth it is Tiffany's job to get him back. She must first find her power though, and with the help of her mentor Miss Tick, and the toad and of course the Nac Mac Feegles, (which are little blue tattooed Faerie men who love to fight and drink) she must rescue him and defeat the queen and her. She soon finds out that magic is not all it is made up to be but it is a very useful skill when needed. She also finds out her grandma Aching was a witch as well. So she must use knowledge she learned from her as well to help her rescue her brother.

Personal Review: This is an incredibly written book. It is so funny, and so entertaining you can't put it down. Anyone and everyone would enjoy it. And i highly recommend it to everyone which includes children and adults.

Warnings: Crude Language

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Day of Tears

Day of Tears
By: Julius Lester
Published By: Hyperion Books 2005
Reading Level: Young Adult
175 pages

Summary: Master Butler has always been a kind Master to his slaves. But due to his recent loss of money gambling he is forced to sell his slaves. All but 21. Or should I say 20. Mattie and Will had grown up with Master Butler and were practically like brother and sister to him. So they never expected him to sell there daughter Emma at the slave auction when Mistress Henfield offered to take her so she could help with her daughter Ruth. But no one was upset as Sarah Master Butlers daughter who had basically been raised by Emma since her mother left. Sarah had a heart like her mothers and was very against slavery. Which was the reason she had left Pierce Butler and moved north. Emma moves to Kentucky with Joe another slave she was friends with and they bond quickly. Mistress Henfield is very kind to them, but like all the other slaves they want freedom, and they know it comes from the north.

Personal Review: What a tragic event. I had never heard about these kinds of doings in the south, so it was very interesting to me. The book at first was hard to get into and hard to understand due to the southern accent. But once i caught on it was very entertaining and i really enjoyed it. I would highly recommend this book.

Warnings: Graphic Scenes

Monday, November 16, 2009

The First Part Last

The First Part Last
By: Angela Johnson
Published by: Simon Pulse 2003
Reading Level: Young Adult
132 Pages

Summary: It is not very often you hear about the teenage boy raising the baby. But that is exactly what Bobby is doing, raising his baby at the age of 16. It was on his 16th birthday that he found out his girlfriend Nia was pregnant. His father cried, his mother just sat there like a stone when they found out. Her parents never showed any reaction. The pregnancy is a journey for both Bobby and Nia, lots of pizza, tacos, late night tears. But soon the baby comes and Bobby begins to raise it. Changing diapers, feeding, comforting the baby late at night. He does this all on his own.

Personal Review: What a great twist on teenage pregnancy and what goes on. I don't think boys ever really see the big effect pregnancy can have because they are never the ones who have to deal with the baby in the end. This book puts it in to perspective to them. I really enjoyed it, but i would not recommend it to everyone. I do believe all teenagers should read this, but when it comes to adults i probably wouldn't recommend it to my mother or other family members.

Warnings: Sexual scenes, Crude Language

Sunday, November 15, 2009

The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks

The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks
By: E. Lockhart
Published by: Disney Hyperion Books
Reading Level: grades 7-12
345 pages

Summary: Frankie was invisible her freshman year. But her sophomore year she was far from invisible. The summer between her Freshman and Sophomore year Frankie Landau-Banks grew up from an awkward child to a young woman men found appealing. It does not take Frankie long to find herself a senior Boyfriend, and become popular. But when Matthew starts excluding her from his "secret club" other wise known as the Bassetts. Frankie is determined to get into this club. But when she realizes he will never let her in on it, she decides she will find her own way into the club. Her criminal mastermind comes up with a plan to prank the school, through the club. Will this make her, or destroy her.

Personal Review: What a good book. From the very beginning to the end i could not put the book down. I could see why teenage girls would really enjoy this book, and really connect with Frankie and her feelings of wanting to be included. I don't know if men, or older women would enjoy it as much but i really liked it.

Warnings: Sexual references, crude language

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The Teachers Funeral -A Comedy in Three Parts

The Teachers Funeral - A comedy in three parts
By: Richard Peck
Published by: Scholastic inc. 2004
Reading Level: Young Adult
190 Pages

Summary: "If your teacher has to die, August isnt a bad time of year for it." This quote shows Russell Culver's attitude to a T. When There old teacher dies a few weeks before school starts Russell thinks his dreams of running away to the Dakotas might finally come true. But boy is her wrong! Instead of closing down the school like he had hoped they hire his sister to become the teacher. Russell is determined to ruin her teaching career from the beginning. The first day of school he even starts the boys privy on fire. It was an accident of course, or so he says. The school year goes on and come to find out Tansy (Russell's sister) is not so bad of teacher. She really knows her stuff and is very good at teaching and connecting with the students. The students all want to connect with her as well. And by that i mean all the boys fall in love with her and soon its world war III between Charley and Glen who want to win miss Tansy's heart. Between the snakes, vandalism, and Boys privy Tansy must also pass the Teachers exam test which means the students must also pass a test proving they learned something. Can she do it?

Personal Summary: Richard Peck never fails to amaze me. This book is hilarious, and keeps you guessing. You never know what is going to happen, which means you can't put the book down because you want to know. His hometown writing is something that i really enjoy and really saw in this book. The characters are so real, and have the same emotions that you see in people in your everyday life. I really connected with this book for that reason. I recommend it to everyone!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Maus I

Maus I (graphic novel)
By: Art Spiegelman
by: Pantheon Books New York 1986
Reading Level: Young Adult
159 pages

Maus is a graphic novel about a son Artie who goes to his fathers and listens to his fathers stories about surviving the Holocau
st. Being a Jew in Poland during the Holocaust was very hard. The first couple years they were not hit very hard. Arties parents got married and his mothers father was very rich and helped his father start up a business. But when the war started the business was taken over by the Germans and they were forced to move in with the in-laws. It was not long until they began to run out of food and have to sell goods to get
food. When they are forced out of there house and to other camps they have to continue selling diamonds and gold to get food and even shelter. Soon the living relatives diminishes dramatically and it is only Mother and Father. Can they survive the war?

Wow, this book is breathtaking. It is so hard to read about the things these people had to go through. Only a lucky few survived to tell the tale of the holocaust. It was told very creatively and keeps you very intrigued. It was often hard to set down. I would recommend this book to those who have a strong heart. It is a sad story and not for the weak.

Warning: Graphic scenes, Death, Language, Sexual References

-Here are some personal pictures i took at a concentration camp in Germany. Left to right: The Gas Chambers, The cremation room, the grave of thousands

Where the Red Fern Grows

Where the Red Fern Grows
By: Wilson Rawls
Published by: Bantam Books 1961
Reading level: Young Adult
249 Pages

Summary: Like every other ten year old boy Billy Coleman wanted a pair of hunting hounds. But unlike every other ten year old boy Billy works hard for two years, earning enough money to buy two hound dogs. To impatient to wait for his neighbor to go pick them up Billy takes off on his first adventure trudging through the Ozark mountains into town where he finds and falls in love with his to little pups that he names little Ann and old Dan. He starts right away training them to be coon hunters. Ann is a smart little dog, who never lets a coon fool her. Dan on the other hand is not as smart but is a very powerful strong dog. They soon become the best in the land. These dogs are different though. They are very loyal to each other, they will not hunt without the other, and they are very loyal to Billy and will not hunt with anyone but him. They have some big adventures on there hunting trips. All leading them to the Coon hunting championship.

Personal Review: What a touching book. I don't think you can read this book without becoming attached to the dogs yourself. You laugh, you cry, your scared, your jumping for joy. This book brings all sorts of emotions to you. Recommend it to everyone!

Warning: May cause you to cry!

Monday, November 9, 2009

A Year Down Yonder

A Year Down Yonder
Published by: Puffin Books 2000
Reading level: Young Adult
130 pages

Summary: The depression hit Chicago hard, and Mary Alice's father had lost his job. They were forced to move into a little apartment that no room for Mary Alice and her brother Joey. Joey headed out west to work and they shipped Mary Alice down to her Grandma Dowdels for a whole year. Grandma Dowdel is not your ordinary squeeze your cheeks, knit you a blanket kind of Grandma. She is a large lady who, hunts, fishes, plays pranks, and tries to stay out of everyone's business as long as they stay out of hers. Mary has to go to school in her grandma's town and from day one causes a stir. When the bully of the town follows her home grandma is there for her and makes sure the bully will never bother her again. When Mary Alice is in the christmas play grandma makes sure she is the prettiest one up there. As hard hearted as grandma seems, you come to realize she has a soft spot for her grand daughter and will do anything for her.

Personal Review: Hilarious, heartwarming, entertaining, and charming are just a few words i would use to describe this book. I love it! It is one of those books that you cannot stop laughing and cannot put down. Richard Peck is brilliant in describing the people of Grandma Dowdels town. If you want an easy, entertaining, funny read this book is the one to choose!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

A Wrinkle in Time

A Wrinkle in Time
By: Madeleine L'Engle
Published By: Squarefish
Reading Level: ages 12-16
224 Pages

Summary: Meg Murray is all sorts of confused. Her father has been gone for years now and hasn't written in a year. Her little brother Charles wallace seems to be able to read her mind, and she doesn't fit in at school, as hard as she tries. And on top of it all she does not feel pretty. The book begins at a scene at school, where Meg acts out once again and gets sent to the principles office. After a fight with the principle about her father not coming home, she goes home only to get picked on by some kids who make fun of her retarded younger brother. What they do not know is Charles Wallace is a genius he just chooses not to waste his breath talking to them. Soon Mrs. Whatsit, Mrs. Who, and Mrs. Which come into the scene and wisk Meg, Charles Wallace, and Calvin of to Camazot where they must fight the dark thing and save there father. Can they do it without being sucked into it (the darkness).

Personal Review: This is such a cute easy book to read. I remember reading this as a child and really enjoying it. And as an adult i enjoyed it as well but caught on to a few more things. I never noticed how religious it is, talking about the "dark thing" and agency and the saviors and such. But it was still a very good book that i would recommend.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

War is...

War is...
Edited by: Marc Aronson and Patty Campbell
Published by: Candlewick Press 2008
Reading Level: 14 and up
266 Pages

Summary: What is war? War is is a book of fiction and nonfiction essays that try to depict what war is. It goes through the recruiting of war and why people sign on to the armed forces. They promise them a lot of bonus's but often do not follow through. It then tells about killing and the affects killing someone, or watching someone get killed has on soldiers. It even has a section on women in the war and the things they have to go through such as sexual harassment. In the end you come to realize that war is not just fun and games, it is serious and has a tremendous effect on those around it.

Personal Review: What an amazing, well put together book. The stories kept me very entertained but at the same time was very informative. Every young man should read this book before they join the armed forces so that they know what they are really getting into. This story hit hard with me because i have a brother in law that is about to venture off onto his third over seas tour. It was hard to hear what he has to go through. I highly recommend this book.

Warnings: Crude language, Graphic war scenes, Sexual references