Sunday, November 8, 2009

A Wrinkle in Time

A Wrinkle in Time
By: Madeleine L'Engle
Published By: Squarefish
Reading Level: ages 12-16
224 Pages

Summary: Meg Murray is all sorts of confused. Her father has been gone for years now and hasn't written in a year. Her little brother Charles wallace seems to be able to read her mind, and she doesn't fit in at school, as hard as she tries. And on top of it all she does not feel pretty. The book begins at a scene at school, where Meg acts out once again and gets sent to the principles office. After a fight with the principle about her father not coming home, she goes home only to get picked on by some kids who make fun of her retarded younger brother. What they do not know is Charles Wallace is a genius he just chooses not to waste his breath talking to them. Soon Mrs. Whatsit, Mrs. Who, and Mrs. Which come into the scene and wisk Meg, Charles Wallace, and Calvin of to Camazot where they must fight the dark thing and save there father. Can they do it without being sucked into it (the darkness).

Personal Review: This is such a cute easy book to read. I remember reading this as a child and really enjoying it. And as an adult i enjoyed it as well but caught on to a few more things. I never noticed how religious it is, talking about the "dark thing" and agency and the saviors and such. But it was still a very good book that i would recommend.

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