Thursday, November 5, 2009

War is...

War is...
Edited by: Marc Aronson and Patty Campbell
Published by: Candlewick Press 2008
Reading Level: 14 and up
266 Pages

Summary: What is war? War is is a book of fiction and nonfiction essays that try to depict what war is. It goes through the recruiting of war and why people sign on to the armed forces. They promise them a lot of bonus's but often do not follow through. It then tells about killing and the affects killing someone, or watching someone get killed has on soldiers. It even has a section on women in the war and the things they have to go through such as sexual harassment. In the end you come to realize that war is not just fun and games, it is serious and has a tremendous effect on those around it.

Personal Review: What an amazing, well put together book. The stories kept me very entertained but at the same time was very informative. Every young man should read this book before they join the armed forces so that they know what they are really getting into. This story hit hard with me because i have a brother in law that is about to venture off onto his third over seas tour. It was hard to hear what he has to go through. I highly recommend this book.

Warnings: Crude language, Graphic war scenes, Sexual references

1 comment:

  1. that was awesome, Katelyn! Nathan and I watched it and were almost in tears. I think we were trying to be tough for each other. Now I want to get the book and read it. Maybe after I finish New Moon. I've only been reading it for 4 months now. I'm a s l o w reader.
    We miss you. Love ya tons!!!
