Friday, October 30, 2009

Sins of the Fathers

Sins of the Fathers
Published by: Harper Collins Publishers 2006
Reading Level:
232 Pages

Summary: Andrew, Skitz, and Hector are best friends. A tribe of friendship is what they call themselves. All three are very diverse characters. Skitz matches his name, very antsy, trouble maker, "his mouth works faster then his brain". The other odd thing about Skitz is he does not feel pain. Hector is often described as Jesus. He is the good boy, who follows all the rules, very catholic, shows up to every mass. But he also has an anger problem that he tends to take out on Skitz. Andrew is the mediator. He comes from a good home, good parents, he is described as the peacemaker between the two. The three of them make up an unbreakable tribe, in which the Fathers of the Catholic all boys school they attend try to break apart. They first start by threatening to send Skitz away for all his misbehaving, then they pull Hector away from the group. But the three of them made a promise many years before they would never leave anyone behind, so as they pull Hector away and he starts falling behind the boys do everything possible to bring the tribe back together.

Personal Review: I have very mixed feelings about this book. I ended it thinking wait what? I don't get it. But even though i didn't understand it i could not put the book down. It kept me very intrigued even if i did not understand it. I want to go back and reread it and see if it makes more sense. So if you want a book with a little bit of a twist that you can't put down, i would highly recommend it.

Warnings: Boys being boys, Crude language, sexual references.

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