Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Where the Red Fern Grows

Where the Red Fern Grows
By: Wilson Rawls
Published by: Bantam Books 1961
Reading level: Young Adult
249 Pages

Summary: Like every other ten year old boy Billy Coleman wanted a pair of hunting hounds. But unlike every other ten year old boy Billy works hard for two years, earning enough money to buy two hound dogs. To impatient to wait for his neighbor to go pick them up Billy takes off on his first adventure trudging through the Ozark mountains into town where he finds and falls in love with his to little pups that he names little Ann and old Dan. He starts right away training them to be coon hunters. Ann is a smart little dog, who never lets a coon fool her. Dan on the other hand is not as smart but is a very powerful strong dog. They soon become the best in the land. These dogs are different though. They are very loyal to each other, they will not hunt without the other, and they are very loyal to Billy and will not hunt with anyone but him. They have some big adventures on there hunting trips. All leading them to the Coon hunting championship.

Personal Review: What a touching book. I don't think you can read this book without becoming attached to the dogs yourself. You laugh, you cry, your scared, your jumping for joy. This book brings all sorts of emotions to you. Recommend it to everyone!

Warning: May cause you to cry!

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