Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Maus I

Maus I (graphic novel)
By: Art Spiegelman
by: Pantheon Books New York 1986
Reading Level: Young Adult
159 pages

Maus is a graphic novel about a son Artie who goes to his fathers and listens to his fathers stories about surviving the Holocau
st. Being a Jew in Poland during the Holocaust was very hard. The first couple years they were not hit very hard. Arties parents got married and his mothers father was very rich and helped his father start up a business. But when the war started the business was taken over by the Germans and they were forced to move in with the in-laws. It was not long until they began to run out of food and have to sell goods to get
food. When they are forced out of there house and to other camps they have to continue selling diamonds and gold to get food and even shelter. Soon the living relatives diminishes dramatically and it is only Mother and Father. Can they survive the war?

Wow, this book is breathtaking. It is so hard to read about the things these people had to go through. Only a lucky few survived to tell the tale of the holocaust. It was told very creatively and keeps you very intrigued. It was often hard to set down. I would recommend this book to those who have a strong heart. It is a sad story and not for the weak.

Warning: Graphic scenes, Death, Language, Sexual References

-Here are some personal pictures i took at a concentration camp in Germany. Left to right: The Gas Chambers, The cremation room, the grave of thousands

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