Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The Teachers Funeral -A Comedy in Three Parts

The Teachers Funeral - A comedy in three parts
By: Richard Peck
Published by: Scholastic inc. 2004
Reading Level: Young Adult
190 Pages

Summary: "If your teacher has to die, August isnt a bad time of year for it." This quote shows Russell Culver's attitude to a T. When There old teacher dies a few weeks before school starts Russell thinks his dreams of running away to the Dakotas might finally come true. But boy is her wrong! Instead of closing down the school like he had hoped they hire his sister to become the teacher. Russell is determined to ruin her teaching career from the beginning. The first day of school he even starts the boys privy on fire. It was an accident of course, or so he says. The school year goes on and come to find out Tansy (Russell's sister) is not so bad of teacher. She really knows her stuff and is very good at teaching and connecting with the students. The students all want to connect with her as well. And by that i mean all the boys fall in love with her and soon its world war III between Charley and Glen who want to win miss Tansy's heart. Between the snakes, vandalism, and Boys privy Tansy must also pass the Teachers exam test which means the students must also pass a test proving they learned something. Can she do it?

Personal Summary: Richard Peck never fails to amaze me. This book is hilarious, and keeps you guessing. You never know what is going to happen, which means you can't put the book down because you want to know. His hometown writing is something that i really enjoy and really saw in this book. The characters are so real, and have the same emotions that you see in people in your everyday life. I really connected with this book for that reason. I recommend it to everyone!

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