Sunday, November 15, 2009

The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks

The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks
By: E. Lockhart
Published by: Disney Hyperion Books
Reading Level: grades 7-12
345 pages

Summary: Frankie was invisible her freshman year. But her sophomore year she was far from invisible. The summer between her Freshman and Sophomore year Frankie Landau-Banks grew up from an awkward child to a young woman men found appealing. It does not take Frankie long to find herself a senior Boyfriend, and become popular. But when Matthew starts excluding her from his "secret club" other wise known as the Bassetts. Frankie is determined to get into this club. But when she realizes he will never let her in on it, she decides she will find her own way into the club. Her criminal mastermind comes up with a plan to prank the school, through the club. Will this make her, or destroy her.

Personal Review: What a good book. From the very beginning to the end i could not put the book down. I could see why teenage girls would really enjoy this book, and really connect with Frankie and her feelings of wanting to be included. I don't know if men, or older women would enjoy it as much but i really liked it.

Warnings: Sexual references, crude language

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