Monday, November 16, 2009

The First Part Last

The First Part Last
By: Angela Johnson
Published by: Simon Pulse 2003
Reading Level: Young Adult
132 Pages

Summary: It is not very often you hear about the teenage boy raising the baby. But that is exactly what Bobby is doing, raising his baby at the age of 16. It was on his 16th birthday that he found out his girlfriend Nia was pregnant. His father cried, his mother just sat there like a stone when they found out. Her parents never showed any reaction. The pregnancy is a journey for both Bobby and Nia, lots of pizza, tacos, late night tears. But soon the baby comes and Bobby begins to raise it. Changing diapers, feeding, comforting the baby late at night. He does this all on his own.

Personal Review: What a great twist on teenage pregnancy and what goes on. I don't think boys ever really see the big effect pregnancy can have because they are never the ones who have to deal with the baby in the end. This book puts it in to perspective to them. I really enjoyed it, but i would not recommend it to everyone. I do believe all teenagers should read this, but when it comes to adults i probably wouldn't recommend it to my mother or other family members.

Warnings: Sexual scenes, Crude Language

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