Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Day of Tears

Day of Tears
By: Julius Lester
Published By: Hyperion Books 2005
Reading Level: Young Adult
175 pages

Summary: Master Butler has always been a kind Master to his slaves. But due to his recent loss of money gambling he is forced to sell his slaves. All but 21. Or should I say 20. Mattie and Will had grown up with Master Butler and were practically like brother and sister to him. So they never expected him to sell there daughter Emma at the slave auction when Mistress Henfield offered to take her so she could help with her daughter Ruth. But no one was upset as Sarah Master Butlers daughter who had basically been raised by Emma since her mother left. Sarah had a heart like her mothers and was very against slavery. Which was the reason she had left Pierce Butler and moved north. Emma moves to Kentucky with Joe another slave she was friends with and they bond quickly. Mistress Henfield is very kind to them, but like all the other slaves they want freedom, and they know it comes from the north.

Personal Review: What a tragic event. I had never heard about these kinds of doings in the south, so it was very interesting to me. The book at first was hard to get into and hard to understand due to the southern accent. But once i caught on it was very entertaining and i really enjoyed it. I would highly recommend this book.

Warnings: Graphic Scenes

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoy reading about slavery. I am black myself and just seeing the different elements that was thrown into the book makes it all the better. I also love the accent because I talk like that sometimes and people look at me like I'm weird, but I love the way I talk and I love who I am.
