Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The Cat Ate My Gymsuit

The Cat Ate My Gymsuit
By: Paula Danziger
Published By: Bantum Doubleday Dell Publishing Group 1974
Reading Level: Young Adult
119 Pages

Summary: Marcy Lewis is a blimp. Well atleast she thinks so. She avoids talking, and she especially avoids her gymsuit. She makes up an excuse everyday in Gym class so she does not have to participate. As bad as school is for her home life is even worse. Her mother downs Tranquilizers as her father yells at her, her brother, and her mother. It is not until Ms. Finney becomes her english teacher and begins teaching her to not be so afraid and to come out of her shell and other important life lessons like standing up for what you believe in that Marcy really starts to grow. Then they fire Ms. Finney for not saying the pledge of allegiance. Marcy and her newly acquired friends of Nancy and Joel fight the school board along with their parents and face the consequences all in hope of getting Ms. Finney reinstated.

Personal Review: I admit at times this book was really hard to get through but overall was not as bad as i was expecting for a book from the 70's. The book had a really good moral about standing up for what you believe in despite the consequences. As hard as it was to read at times i would still recommend it to those who are struggling trying to find there place, and learning to stand up for themselves.

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