Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The Extraordinary Adventures of Alfred Kropp

The Extraordinary Adventures of Alfred Kropp
By: Rick Yancey
Published by: Bloomsbury Publishing 2005
Reading Level: Young Adult
368 Pages

Summary: His father left before his was born and his mother died when he was young as well. Alfred was a large boy that was tossed around in many foster homes. He was very happy when his Uncle agreed to take him in. It is his Uncle that first gets him into his predicament. Does he steal the sword ... and his uncle want him to from Samsung his uncles boss for a million dollars. When his Uncle threatens to send him back to foster care he agrees to steal the sword, but little did he know that taking that sword put the world in great danger. It was no regular sword, but that of King Author and was the most powerful weapon. After the death of his Uncle Bennacio a knight the only knight left to protect the sword comes and gets him as Samsungs last wish. The question remains why Alfred? He is not your typical hero, or is he? Alfred travels with Bennacio in hopes are getting the sword back. Can he do it? What happens when love comes into the picture?

Personal Review: This was quite a thrilling book. It was very entertaining but at times seemed to drag on. My heart went out to Alfred who didn't fit in, lost all his loved ones, and then had to save the world. What a tough life. All in all i really enjoyed the book and would recommend it.

Warning: Crude Language, Graphic fighting scenes

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