Monday, November 30, 2009

Hush An Irish Princess Tale

Hush An Irish Princess Tale
By: Donna Jo Napoli
Published by: Autheneum 2007
Reading Level: Young Adult
307 Pages
Summary: Melkorka is a princess of a mediavel Ireland Kingdom who lives a easy happy life. That is until her brothers hand gets cut off on by a Viking on a trip to Dublin. His family has to defend his honor so the day of the battle her family send her and her sister Brigid on the road to a different town a days travel away. The trip is going good until her and her sister get kidnapped onto a slave ship. Beat and starved the first few days, Brigid bails off the boat and hopefully swims ashore. But Melkorka is stuck on board. But throughout this whole thing she never mutters a word. This becomes her power. Her masters get stuck under this power and always treat her very well for a slave.

Personal Review: I loved this book. It had such a powerful message of courage and love and compassion. I really think any young teenager would love this book, and could learn a lot from it. I would highly recommend it, although not to everyone. This is because it has some really horrible scenes that i don't think all teenagers and even some adults are ready to read about.

Warnings: Crude Language, Rape scenes, Graphic scenes, Sexual References

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