Friday, October 30, 2009

Sins of the Fathers

Sins of the Fathers
Published by: Harper Collins Publishers 2006
Reading Level:
232 Pages

Summary: Andrew, Skitz, and Hector are best friends. A tribe of friendship is what they call themselves. All three are very diverse characters. Skitz matches his name, very antsy, trouble maker, "his mouth works faster then his brain". The other odd thing about Skitz is he does not feel pain. Hector is often described as Jesus. He is the good boy, who follows all the rules, very catholic, shows up to every mass. But he also has an anger problem that he tends to take out on Skitz. Andrew is the mediator. He comes from a good home, good parents, he is described as the peacemaker between the two. The three of them make up an unbreakable tribe, in which the Fathers of the Catholic all boys school they attend try to break apart. They first start by threatening to send Skitz away for all his misbehaving, then they pull Hector away from the group. But the three of them made a promise many years before they would never leave anyone behind, so as they pull Hector away and he starts falling behind the boys do everything possible to bring the tribe back together.

Personal Review: I have very mixed feelings about this book. I ended it thinking wait what? I don't get it. But even though i didn't understand it i could not put the book down. It kept me very intrigued even if i did not understand it. I want to go back and reread it and see if it makes more sense. So if you want a book with a little bit of a twist that you can't put down, i would highly recommend it.

Warnings: Boys being boys, Crude language, sexual references.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

La Li'nea

La Li'nea
By: Ann Jaramillo
Published by Squarefish 2006
Reading level: Young Adult
125 Pages

Summary: It is Miguels Time to head north to the United States and meet up with his parents. The plan is set out and if he follows it exactly everything will work out. Except he isn't able to follow it exactly due to his sister running away with him. His plan falls to pieces and he is now forced to decide to go back home, or find a way north with no money, and no help. Well that is until they run into Javier who ends up being a lot of help for them. Javier is leaving his family behind to go to New York and work with his brother. He knows the ins and outs of things and is able to really help the children in their journey north.

Personal Review: What a touching story. A lot of times you only hear about all the trouble the Mexicans cause immigrating to the US. But you never hear about all the trouble the immigrants have to go through to get to the US. This story is very touching, and really hits hard on the importance of family. After reading this I made sure to thank my parents for all they have done for me. I would recommend this book to everyone. Its not a happy, go lucky book, but it is an amazing story.

Warnings: Mild sexual references, and some graphic scenes.

Monday, October 19, 2009

We Just Want to Live Here.

We Just want to Live Here
By: Amal Rifa'i and Odelia Ainbinder and Skyle Tempel
Published by St. Martin Griffin
Reading level: Young Adult
154 Pages

Summary: We Just Want To Live Here is a powerful story of two teenage girls who even though they live close by eachother due to war they live very different lives. Odelia is a Jewish israelite who lives the comfort of being able to travel and do the things that she wants. Amal is not so lucky, she is a muslim who lives in Palistine. She does not have the same rights and priviledges as Odelia. She is not aloud to travel about, especially without her ID. School is not equal either. Odelia recieves alot better schooling for a lot less money, while Amal has to work hard to pay for school and does not recieve as good of education. These girls meet on a trip to switzerland. While most of the Jews made fun of and caused problems for being Arabs. Odelia befriended them and tried to get to know them. Because of this she was able to befriend Amal and that is when they begin to write letters back and forth.

Personal Review: This book was very interesting. There is a lot of information provided in they letters between Amal and Odelia. I never really understood the struggle between Palestine and Jeruselum but this explained it very cleary. The war, the religious differences. All the things i never understood. I found at times that there writing became a little boring, but all in all a good book.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Nicola and the Viscount

Nicola and the Viscount
By: Meg Cabot
Published by: Avon
Reading Level: Young adult
261 Pages

Summary: Nicola is a beautiful stubborn orphan who is in love with a "God". Or atleast she thinks she is when she agrees to live with him and his family for the summer. Nicola's best friend Eleanore is all for her living there but her older brother who obviously is in love with Nicola is not as excited. It doesn't take long for Nicola to sweep the "God" off his feet and he asks her to marry him. But does he really love her? When Nicola's parents died they left her with only a little house and land to her name. But when her Cousin asks her to sell it for a lot more then it is worth she refuses. Not liking her answer the men who want the land take things into there own hands. Will prince charming come save her? Who is the real prince charming in this story?

Personal Review: I actually really liked this book. It had its cheesy points, but it also had its funny parts. I can see where a teenage girl would love this book, and how it could cause her to dream about her own prince charming.

After The First Death

After The First Death
Published by: Dell Laurel-Leaf
Reading Level: Young Adult
233 Pages

Summary: Ben is the son of Brigadier General Marcus L Marchand. The general of Fort Delta Massachusetts. Ben and his father have a strange relationship, they have never really talked or been close, yet his father knows Ben very well due to tapped phone lines. Artkin and Miro are freedom fighters who take over a school bus full of children. They want the United States to release some prisoners, give them ten million dollars, and uncover the Inner Delta. Inner Delta is a secret agency in which Ben's father is in charge of. Kate Forrester was driving the bus for her sick uncle, who usually drives it. She is then put in charge of taking care of the whining children. This twisted tale takes place on an old rail road bridge where for a day the terrorists hold the bus hostage killing a couple children. The story builds up when Ben is called by his father to help on the scene. Will he do it for his father? Will his father actually put his own son in harms way?

Personal Review: This book takes you for a twisted ride. Your up, your down, and then your all sorts of confused. Magnificently written. Not the type of book i like, but it is very intriguing.

Warning: Crude language, sexual references, Graphic scenes

Keesha's House

Keesha's House
By: Helen Frost
Published by: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux
Reading level: Young Adult
109 Pages

Summary: Stephanie is pregnant and is scared to tell her parents. Jason has his whole life ahead which includes a basketball career, and is not ready to be a father. Dontay has run away from another foster family. Carmen got caught drinking and driving again and is now in jail. Harris was kicked out of his house by his father who couldn't except the way he was. Katie ran away from home, away from a mother who is oblivious to her new husbands wondering eyes and ways. And Keesha ran away from a drunk father. What do all the kids have in common? They can all live at Keesha's house. Although it is really Joe's house Keesha is the one to let the teenagers know that there is always a safe place to stay.

Personal Review: Keesha's house is a book written in poems. It was very intriguing and keeps you entertained and wanting more. It made me very thankful for my life and the fact that i have a good home to go home to. I highly recommend it!

Warnings: Sexual references, Language

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


By: Laurie Halse Anderson
Published by: Viking Juvenile
Reading level: Young Adult
288 Pages

Summary: When Cassie Lia's ex best friend dies, it all goes down hill from there. Lia a recovering anorexic, starts to elapse back into old habits. What she doesn't realize is that she is hurting everyone around her. Lia avoids eating at all costs, and even finds ways to fake her weight each week when her step mother Jennifer weighs her. But why did Cassie die? This is the question Lia sets out to find when she visits the hotel where Cassie was found. You watch as Lia slowly gets worse and worse and soon hits rock bottom and is rushed back into recovery, will she finally recover this time?

Personal Review: This book was incredible, and written very well. It is a hard issue to touch on but Laurie Halse Anderson hits it right on the nail. The way the story is told from the mind of Lia and what she really goes through on a day to day basis really struck me. I think every teenage girl needs to read this book and see the effects eating disorders can have.

Warning: Crude language, and graphic scenes.

Below is a link to a video about Eating disorders and there effects.

Harriet Tubman, Secret Agent

Harriet Tubman, Secret Agent
By: Thomas B Allen
Published By: National Geographic Children's Books
Reading level: Young Adult
192 Pages

Summary: Did you know blacks were secret spies during the civil war? Neither did i until i read this book on Harriet Tubman and other blacks who helped the Union during the civil war. Harriet became a slave at a very young age, and at a young age she also suffered head trauma that they believe caused her to be an epileptic. She married at a young age to a free black man who refused to help her escape. She was a strong stubborn woman and was sick of being bossed around so she took matters into her own hands. She not only escaped but then became a conductor of the underground railroad and helped many others escape. She then became a spy for the union, along with other slaves who would spy on there owners and so forth to get as much information possible for the Union army.

Personal Review: When i first got this book i thought well even if it is boring it will count as a biography. But it was not boring at all. I really enjoyed this book and all the information it provided. It was very informative but did it in an interesting way that kept your attention. I never knew all the spying that went on and that was also very interesting. If you ever want to learn about the other side of the Civil War this is a great book to read.

A Long Way From Chicago

A Long Way From Chicago
Published by: Puffin
160 pages
Reading Level: ages 9-12

Summary: Joey and Mary Alice are not excited to leave the busy city life for a week at grandma's down in Missouri. But boy are they in for a treat. They have no ordinary grandma who likes to sit around and nit all day. Grandma is tough as a boot, crazy, independent woman. She is very adamant about staying out of the towns business but it always seems to find her. But being the genius she is she always seems to turn the drama away from her. Whether it is holding a funeral at her home, feeding the homeless workers, or fishing illegally she is doing it. Each chapter is a story from there week at grandmas as they grow up. And in each chapter you see the children enjoy their stays even more, and even come to really love their grandma.

Personal Review: Richard Peck is one of my favorite authors. He always manages to make me laugh, and this book is no different. Such a good hardy book, with good hardy humor. This is one of those books you can turn to on a bad day to cheer you up. I can barely put it down when i read it. If you ever get the chance to read it you will not regret it.

Warning: Crude language.

Journey To Jo'Burg

Journey to Jo'Burg
By: Beverley Naidoo
Published by: Reed business information, inc.
Reading Level: ages 9-14
96 pages

Summary: When Naledi and Tiro's Baby sister Dineo get sick they know the only way to save her is to go get their mother who works in Johannesburg. They leave with nothing but a small amount of food on this long journey. They are very fortunate along the way meeting people who are always willing to help them. When they arrive they are guided by a young girl names Clara to there mother. Their mother is happy to see them but cannot leave right away. They go home with Clara for the night, and have their eyes opened to the real world of corrupt police, lack of freedom, and poverty. The next day they make the journey back with their mother to save Dineo. Through this journey they learned a lot though about the real world.

Personal Review: This is not a book i would recommend. I found it very fast moving, vague, and uninteresting. At times i often felt as if i was reading a children's book because it was so simple. Even though it was boring this book did have a good story line, and a good moral point and was a very fast read.

Touching Spirit Bear

Touching Spirit Bear
By: Ben Mikaelson
Published by: Harper Trophy
287 Pages
Reading level: Young Adult

Summary: Cole Matthews is a trouble child, and has been since he was little. Always fighting, stealing, and do anything else that will get him attention. He comes from an abusive home, where is father takes out his problems on him and his mother just watches and makes up for it by shopping. He is usually able to talk, or have his father pay his way out of trouble, but not this time. When Cole Matthews beats Peter Driscal almost to death he must pay the punishment of jail. This is until his parole officer Garvey suggests the Native American Circle of Justice. After a long trial in which Cole pretends that he wants to be forgiven and learn from his mistakes he is assigned isolation on an island off the coast of Alaska. It is here he runs into the mythical spirit bear, and it is here that he gets a taste of his own medicine and is beaten almost to death by the bear. Does he survive? Will he ever learn his lesson? Can people really change? Can you really overcome anger? Touching Spirit Bear answers these life questions and lots more.

Personal Review: This was one of those books that at points is impossible to put down. You are constantly wondering what is going to happen next, and wondering if Cole Matthews will really change. A book i highly recommend.

Warning: Touching Spirit Bear does have some graphic violent scenes, and crude language.

The Giver

The Giver
By: Lois Lowry
Published by:Random House Childrens Books
192 Pages
Reading level: Young Adult

Summary: The Giver is a story of a utopia, where everything and everyone has its place. They are told what they are supposed to do, when they are supposed to do it, and how they are supposed to feel. Each person is assigned a job at th
e age of 12, later on in life they can apply for a companion, and following that they can apply for a child, in which they get one boy and one girl. Jonas is one of these people who has always been told what happens and does not know any different. He has parents who were assigned to each other, and a younger sister that was given to them. At the age of 12 Jonas is assigned the job of the giver. They
tell him it is the most honorable job to have, but he does not even know
it is. This story takes you on his journey of becoming the giver of this utopia and the problems and blessings that come with it such as seeing the color red,
something we take for granted every day.

Personal Review: A book i would highly recommend. It really made me think and kept me
guessing. It made me very thankful for this world i live in and the free agency i have been blessed with to make my own decisions.