Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Journey To Jo'Burg

Journey to Jo'Burg
By: Beverley Naidoo
Published by: Reed business information, inc.
Reading Level: ages 9-14
96 pages

Summary: When Naledi and Tiro's Baby sister Dineo get sick they know the only way to save her is to go get their mother who works in Johannesburg. They leave with nothing but a small amount of food on this long journey. They are very fortunate along the way meeting people who are always willing to help them. When they arrive they are guided by a young girl names Clara to there mother. Their mother is happy to see them but cannot leave right away. They go home with Clara for the night, and have their eyes opened to the real world of corrupt police, lack of freedom, and poverty. The next day they make the journey back with their mother to save Dineo. Through this journey they learned a lot though about the real world.

Personal Review: This is not a book i would recommend. I found it very fast moving, vague, and uninteresting. At times i often felt as if i was reading a children's book because it was so simple. Even though it was boring this book did have a good story line, and a good moral point and was a very fast read.

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