Monday, October 19, 2009

We Just Want to Live Here.

We Just want to Live Here
By: Amal Rifa'i and Odelia Ainbinder and Skyle Tempel
Published by St. Martin Griffin
Reading level: Young Adult
154 Pages

Summary: We Just Want To Live Here is a powerful story of two teenage girls who even though they live close by eachother due to war they live very different lives. Odelia is a Jewish israelite who lives the comfort of being able to travel and do the things that she wants. Amal is not so lucky, she is a muslim who lives in Palistine. She does not have the same rights and priviledges as Odelia. She is not aloud to travel about, especially without her ID. School is not equal either. Odelia recieves alot better schooling for a lot less money, while Amal has to work hard to pay for school and does not recieve as good of education. These girls meet on a trip to switzerland. While most of the Jews made fun of and caused problems for being Arabs. Odelia befriended them and tried to get to know them. Because of this she was able to befriend Amal and that is when they begin to write letters back and forth.

Personal Review: This book was very interesting. There is a lot of information provided in they letters between Amal and Odelia. I never really understood the struggle between Palestine and Jeruselum but this explained it very cleary. The war, the religious differences. All the things i never understood. I found at times that there writing became a little boring, but all in all a good book.

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