Wednesday, October 14, 2009

After The First Death

After The First Death
Published by: Dell Laurel-Leaf
Reading Level: Young Adult
233 Pages

Summary: Ben is the son of Brigadier General Marcus L Marchand. The general of Fort Delta Massachusetts. Ben and his father have a strange relationship, they have never really talked or been close, yet his father knows Ben very well due to tapped phone lines. Artkin and Miro are freedom fighters who take over a school bus full of children. They want the United States to release some prisoners, give them ten million dollars, and uncover the Inner Delta. Inner Delta is a secret agency in which Ben's father is in charge of. Kate Forrester was driving the bus for her sick uncle, who usually drives it. She is then put in charge of taking care of the whining children. This twisted tale takes place on an old rail road bridge where for a day the terrorists hold the bus hostage killing a couple children. The story builds up when Ben is called by his father to help on the scene. Will he do it for his father? Will his father actually put his own son in harms way?

Personal Review: This book takes you for a twisted ride. Your up, your down, and then your all sorts of confused. Magnificently written. Not the type of book i like, but it is very intriguing.

Warning: Crude language, sexual references, Graphic scenes

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