Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Harriet Tubman, Secret Agent

Harriet Tubman, Secret Agent
By: Thomas B Allen
Published By: National Geographic Children's Books
Reading level: Young Adult
192 Pages

Summary: Did you know blacks were secret spies during the civil war? Neither did i until i read this book on Harriet Tubman and other blacks who helped the Union during the civil war. Harriet became a slave at a very young age, and at a young age she also suffered head trauma that they believe caused her to be an epileptic. She married at a young age to a free black man who refused to help her escape. She was a strong stubborn woman and was sick of being bossed around so she took matters into her own hands. She not only escaped but then became a conductor of the underground railroad and helped many others escape. She then became a spy for the union, along with other slaves who would spy on there owners and so forth to get as much information possible for the Union army.

Personal Review: When i first got this book i thought well even if it is boring it will count as a biography. But it was not boring at all. I really enjoyed this book and all the information it provided. It was very informative but did it in an interesting way that kept your attention. I never knew all the spying that went on and that was also very interesting. If you ever want to learn about the other side of the Civil War this is a great book to read.

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